Weekly e-devotional
Hear from Rebecca in a brief devotional each week, learn about upcoming retreats, and explore more options!
More books
Read Rebecca's book, and listen to the Audible books! Pick up your copy on Amazon by clicking the button below.
Search "Rebecca Friedlander" on Amazon UK, or click the button below.
Search "Rebecca Friedlander" on Amazon UK, or click the button below.
Celtic Films
Stream Rebecca's films and TV series worldwide! Use the button above to access our online streaming portal!
Prophetic School
Join us for 10-weeks online and an optional retreat in Texas! Dive deep into Holy Spirit encounters, teaching, and like-minded community.
Celtic Studies Program
Delve into Celtic history from a Christian perspective like never before! With a Masters in Celtic Studies, Rebecca guides you through a 10-week online class that helps you unpack the beauty and heritage of the Celtic Roots. Receive a certificate from the EETS upon completion.
Our next class starts on September 21st, 2024.
Our next class starts on September 21st, 2024.