Join me on the journey! Explore the website, check out the resources and classes, and even book a retreat at the prayer cabin. Let's take the adventure together!
THE STUDY is a powerful, 3- hour online session with Rebecca and Potter's House Team as you delve into this powerful Bible Study.
FREE to sign up, when you purchase a copy of the book!
Celtic Rhythms DVD
PRE-ORDER: SHIPS 3/17/2023
This film is your ticket to an incredible journey through Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales!
Explore this move of God in the Dark Ages with music, stories, and inspiring faith of modern believers for a compelling look at Celtic Christianity. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, Lent, and Easter.
Bards, angels, saints, and royalty: they all come alive in this engaging film!
Runtime: 90 minutes
Produced by Rebecca Friedlander
3-pack Celtic DVD Series
Includes Celtic Rhythms, Thin Places, Celtic Pilgrimage. Over four hours of Celtic footage, plus bonus footage!
Thin Places DVD, USA playback
Follow the thread of revival history through the ages, from the 5th century to the 1900s. Producer Rebecca Friedlander takes you on an epic journey through Celtic lands to discover a rich heritage of faith!
Modern leaders comment on how to glean from and apply the truths these early Christians taught to our walk of faith today: Heidi Baker, John and Carol Arnott, Ray Hughes, Emma Stark, Kevin and Rose Sambrook, Andy Raine, Mary Hamilton and more.
You’ll also hear interviews with veterans from the island of Lewis who encountered Christ in the 1949 revival in the Scottish Hebrides, and hear a documented account of the house that shook during a prayer meeting.
Run time: 74 minutes. Bonus features and extra interviews included!
Celtic Pilgrimage DVD
For more Celtic resources, digital download, and info about our Celtic Studies course, click the button below.
We're building a chapel!
Check out our levels of giving and groovy rewards! We're building the chapel, one stone at a time.
Christmas Film Special
Free E-Devotional!
Each week Rebecca shares her heard in an E-devotional, which includes a piece of personal artwork and news about adventures around the cabin. It's great way to grow your faith AND stay posted on upcoming spiritual retreats at the cabin!
General inquiries: [email protected]
Watercolor photos from and