Celtic Films
Bonus content: Bloopers and "making of" footage, and added interviews!
Purchase on DVD or digital download.
Film Trailers
Celtic Rhythms DVD
PRE-ORDER: SHIPS 3/17/2023
This film is your ticket to an incredible journey through Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales!
Explore this move of God in the Dark Ages with music, stories, and inspiring faith of modern believers for a compelling look at Celtic Christianity. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, Lent, and Easter.
Bards, angels, saints, and royalty: they all come alive in this engaging film!
Runtime: 90 minutes
Produced by Rebecca Friedlander
3-pack Celtic DVD Series
Includes Celtic Rhythms, Thin Places, Celtic Pilgrimage. Over four hours of Celtic footage, plus bonus footage!
Celtic Pilgrimage DVD
Thin Places DVD, USA playback
Follow the thread of revival history through the ages, from the 5th century to the 1900s. Producer Rebecca Friedlander takes you on an epic journey through Celtic lands to discover a rich heritage of faith!
Modern leaders comment on how to glean from and apply the truths these early Christians taught to our walk of faith today: Heidi Baker, John and Carol Arnott, Ray Hughes, Emma Stark, Kevin and Rose Sambrook, Andy Raine, Mary Hamilton and more.
You’ll also hear interviews with veterans from the island of Lewis who encountered Christ in the 1949 revival in the Scottish Hebrides, and hear a documented account of the house that shook during a prayer meeting.
Run time: 74 minutes. Bonus features and extra interviews included!
3-pack Celtic Rhythms
3 DVDs at a sale price!
Pre-order only: ships on 3/17/23
This film is your ticket to an incredible journey through Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales!
Explore this move of God in the Dark Ages with music, stories, and inspiring faith of modern believers for a compelling look at Celtic Christianity. Perfect for St. Patrick's Day, Lent, and Easter.
Bards, angels, saints, and royalty: they all come alive in this engaging film!
Runtime: 90 minutes
Produced by Rebecca Friedlander
Digital Streaming
Stream Rebecca's films and TV series worldwide! Use the button above to access our online streaming portal!
Finding Beautiful: Discovering Authentic Beauty Around the World
In a world that equates beauty with perfection, and self-worth with beauty, women spend much of their time striving to meet unreachable standards, without the perspective to acknowledge their own beauty. Author, ministry leader, and filmmaker/photographer, Rebecca Friedlander, challenges this narrow definition of beauty in her new book, Finding Beautiful: Discovering Authentic Beauty around the World.
Travel to Paris, Hawaii, the Middle East, Ireland, and other locations across the globe through the stories of twelve women from a wide range of backgrounds, all of whom share their individual search for beauty within, and their ultimate transformations in Christ. By telling these stories, Friedlander offers a picture of beauty birthed in the distinct character of each individual woman.
Also available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, Books a Million, and available worldwide wherever books and eBooks are sold.
Hard cover, full color photos. Beautiful book!
Rent the film (below) to watch the twelve stories told in the book.
Launch your Vision
Do you believe that God has placed a creative calling on your life, but you don't know how to bring it into reality? Maybe you've wrestled with these thoughts:
-Stuck: that's how I feel with my creative process!
-I want to write a book, but how do I start?
-How can I avoid self-promotion yet focus on effective marketing?
-What's the difference between aiming for excellence and being a perfectionist?
International film producer, author, and speaker Rebecca Friedlander shares powerful keys of how to tap into your destiny in Christ by using Biblical insights, thought-provoking questions, and personal stories from her journey of 17 years as a full-time, creative artist and minister. Using the theme "ready, aim, fire," she enables you to:
READY YOUR HEART: identify and overcome lies that keep you back from accomplishing your creative dreams.
AIM: BUILD YOUR STRATEGY: no matter the budget or how little you start with, learn how to write your vision on paper and use what you have to take the next step forward.
FIRE: RELEASE YOUR VISION: learn godly marketing techniques/tools, discover how Jesus built his ministry from the ground up, and communicate in a way that produces lasting Kingdom fruit.
Each chapter includes 10 soul-searching questions and space to write the responses as you examine your heart, write your vision, and make a plan.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
-- Abraham Lincoln
“A vision without a strategy remains an illusion.”
-- Lee Bolman
“Hope is not a strategy.”
--Vince Lombardi
“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it."
--Habakkuk 2:2
Abba's Heart Gift Book
Abba's Heart Limited Edition Gift Book
This beautiful gift book comes autographed by Rebecca Friedlander. With a soft matte cover featuring Rebecca's work, and heavy, cream pages you'll love this special gift for yourself or others!
With 70 blessings, Rebecca takes you on a 10-week journey that will draw you deep into delightful intimacy and connection with Father God's heart. Along with hand-selected contributions from her friends in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and more, these Scripture-referenced devotions are like a warm hug and cup of tea with the Father! Also included: links to worship videos created especially for the book.
Also, find bonus videos at for a media experience that goes along with the book!
The book you are holding in your hands Is so beautifully written and intimate that it will draw you in emotionally and spiritually. Rebecca’s transparency is so brave, and I believe this book will help MANY.
-- Archbishop Russ McClanahan
Rebecca has given us a breathtakingly beautiful book answering our cries. It is a fresh drink from heaven, full of the presence of God, written to ravish your heart with the tender love of God, changing the landscape of your world forever. Drink it in and be changed.
-- Dr. Kim M. Maas
The Divine Adventure
BACKORDERED: Please order from Amazon
Are you looking for God's best for your life? Do you have a plan for getting there? God created you for an amazing adventure of faith, and the twelve spiritual practices found in The Divine Adventure offer a practical road map for your journey. By learning to apply ancient spiritual disciplines, you'll discover a life of wonder, passion, and flourishing faith.
Intensely personal and deeply practical, The Divine Adventure unpacks powerful disciplines that will revolutionize your prayer life, deepen your intimacy with God, create balance between rest and work, cultivate meaningful community with others, and more. Drawing from Scripture, ancient writings, visits to holy sites, and her own life experiences of brokenness and breakthrough, Rebecca Friedlander shares the keys that any follower of Christ can use to unlock their own divine adventure. Whether you're a new believer or a seasoned disciple, you'll find that implementing these practices will both empower your passion for Jesus and open new opportunities to express God's heart to others. Are you ready?
Abba's Heart Devotional Book
You'll also read the tender, deeply honest story of Rebecca's own cry for a father and how God deeply met her in that place.
Additional contributors include voices from Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, and the USA! Learn more.
Purchase on Amazon in print, e-book on Kindle, or listen to the audio version narrated by Rebecca on Audible.
Purchase the signed gift book option below!
Abba's Heart Gift Book
Abba's Heart Limited Edition Gift Book
This beautiful gift book comes autographed by Rebecca Friedlander. With a soft matte cover featuring Rebecca's work, and heavy, cream pages you'll love this special gift for yourself or others!
With 70 blessings, Rebecca takes you on a 10-week journey that will draw you deep into delightful intimacy and connection with Father God's heart. Along with hand-selected contributions from her friends in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and more, these Scripture-referenced devotions are like a warm hug and cup of tea with the Father! Also included: links to worship videos created especially for the book.
Also, find bonus videos at for a media experience that goes along with the book!
The book you are holding in your hands Is so beautifully written and intimate that it will draw you in emotionally and spiritually. Rebecca’s transparency is so brave, and I believe this book will help MANY.
-- Archbishop Russ McClanahan
Rebecca has given us a breathtakingly beautiful book answering our cries. It is a fresh drink from heaven, full of the presence of God, written to ravish your heart with the tender love of God, changing the landscape of your world forever. Drink it in and be changed.
-- Dr. Kim M. Maas
Spiritual Warfare 101
Filmed in Alaska with broadsword fighters and epic scenery, Spiritual Warfare 101 features a parable of a young quire who discovers his destiny and the power to overcome forces of darkness. The 15 minute short film is followed by a 35 minute teaching, shot on the medieval locations of Israel and Spain, which offers a Biblical approach on how to walk in victory and spiritual freedom.
Ages 3 through 93 will love this story!
Spiritual Warfare 101 DVD
The DVD features a short story of a squire who learns how to use his armor while being trained by a knight, and together they save a maiden and all become trained for battle. With broadsword fights, this film shot on location in Alaska is a moving story that has touched thousands of lives. Featuring lessons about the armor of God, identity in Christ, and setting others free. Ages 3 and up.
Also features a teaching illustrating the Biblical way to overcome the forces of darkness in our own lives, taught by Rebecca. Shot on location in Spain and Israel, this teaching is perfect for teenagers and adults. Addresses topics like witchcraft, sexual purity, and identity in Christ. Ages 12 and up.